The World of Photos feature on April 7, 2024 was unavailable, with viewers being urged to try again later. The feature typically showcases the best photos from international wire agencies, curated by picture editors. Some of the highlights from the previous day included a boy holding onto the barrel of a tank in Kyiv, Ukraine, part of a display of destroyed Russian military equipment. Pope Francis was also captured holding his skull cap to prevent it from blowing in the wind at the Vatican. Additionally, models displayed creations by Moe Ho at China Fashion Week in Beijing, while a father and son participated in a Hindu ritual in Bali, Indonesia.
Another photo featured a child looking out from the window of a train with an advert for a Salvador Dali exhibition in Bucharest, Romania. In Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, a Kashmiri boatman was seen spraying water with his paddle to clean a wooden jetty early in the morning. A masked woman in Berlin, Germany, was photographed holding a marijuana cigarette during a ‘Smoke-In’ event on the day when cannabis for personal use was legalized. In Santiago, Chile, a monkey was captured reaching out to catch an Easter egg filled with treats tossed by a zookeeper at the Buin Zoo.
Motorists boarding a ferry at Gilimanuk Port on Bali Island, Indonesia, were captured as they left for their hometowns as part of the annual exodus out of major cities in the country. The dispersal of millions of people occurs as they head to their home villages to celebrate Eid-al Fitr, the holiday marking the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Meanwhile, Muslim children were seen offering prayers early in the morning to observe the martyr day of Hazrat Ali at the Hazratbal shrine in Srinagar. This occurred during the holy fasting month of Ramadan when devout Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, and smoking from dawn to dusk.
The photos showcased a range of moments from around the world, capturing unique rituals, celebrations, and daily life. The visual storytelling provided insight into diverse cultures, traditions, and events taking place globally. Despite the unavailability of the feature on that particular day, the images from April 6, 2024, offered a glimpse into the beauty and complexity of the world we live in. The diverse subjects, settings, and activities highlighted through the photos served as a reminder of the interconnectedness of humanity and the richness of life on Earth.