Roki Sasaki, a 23-year-old pitching phenomenon from Japan, has reportedly met with the Los Angeles Dodgers and five other teams for potential MLB contracts. The New York Yankees were the first team reported to have met with Sasaki, as they aim to strengthen their roster after the departure of Juan Soto. Jim Bowden, a former general manager, listed nine requirements that Sasaki will consider when making his decision on where to play in 2025 and beyond.
The first requirement is a team’s chances of winning, both in the short and long term. The Yankees, who reached the AL pennant last season, have proven their ability to compete. Sasaki will also take into account the team’s farm system, which is ranked 29th out of 30 MLB organizations, indicating a potential weakness. Financial resources, pitching room strength, and analytics department quality are other factors that Sasaki will evaluate in making his decision.
Another important consideration for Sasaki is the location and cultural amenities of the team’s city, with New York City fitting the bill as a vibrant and diverse metropolis. The Yankees’ history with Japanese stars and their ability to provide good translators and support staff could also appeal to Sasaki. It is unclear if team leaders have attended recruitment meetings with Sasaki, but fostering a family environment and being welcoming to Sasaki’s own family are key requirements for the young pitcher.
With his impressive strikeout record in Japan, Sasaki is an attractive prospect for MLB teams, and the Yankees appear to meet many of the criteria on Bowden’s list. As a team with a successful track record, financial resources, and a strong pitching staff, the Yankees are positioned well to compete for Sasaki’s services. Ultimately, Sasaki’s decision will not only impact his future in baseball but also his personal and cultural preferences as he considers his options for the next phase of his career.