If you are looking for hints, spangrams, and answers for Thursday’s Strands puzzle, you can find them here. The Strands puzzle is a new game similar to a word search that presents players with a six by eight grid of letters. The goal is to find a group of words that have something in common, with a clue provided for the theme. Finding theme words will keep them highlighted in blue, while a special word called a spangram will link opposite sides of the board and remain highlighted in yellow once found.
Scrolling slowly will reveal the theme hint for the day’s Strands puzzle, as well as an extra hint to help guide players toward the solution. Today’s theme hint is “Pardon my French!” and the extra hint involves an attaché eating soufflé in a cul-de-sac while waiting for a rendezvous. Players are advised to pay attention to the hints before proceeding to find the answers for the day’s Strands puzzle, which will be revealed below.
Today’s Strands spangram is “LOANWORDS,” with a list of words to find in the grid. Players are guided through the process of finding the spangram and using it to locate the remaining words. The official theme for the day is centered around French words, making it a bit easier to solve. Despite the straightforward theme, the challenge lies in the difficulty of spelling French words for some players. By identifying common French words and using the spangram, players can unravel the puzzle and complete the grid.
Players share their experience of solving the Strands puzzle for the day, reflecting on their process of finding words such as beret, chauffeur, bureau, aperitif, chic, and liaison. The discovery of French loan words and their incorporation into the grid adds to the enjoyment of the puzzle. Despite expecting cliches to be included, players find the puzzle to be fun and engaging. The completion of the day’s Strands puzzle is celebrated as players come to a satisfying resolution, showcasing their skills in word puzzles.
For those interested in more word puzzles and challenges, the article encourages readers to check out the writer’s blog for daily Wordle guides and other content related to TV shows, streaming guides, movie reviews, video game coverage, and more. By engaging with a variety of content, readers can explore different forms of entertainment and challenges. The article wraps up by thanking readers for visiting and invites them to share their own experiences with solving the Strands puzzle on social media platforms.