In Sunday’s Connections game, players are presented with a grid of 16 words and tasked with arranging them into four groups of four based on the links between them. The groups could be related to various themes such as horror movies, types of verbs, or rappers. Each group is color-coded based on difficulty level, with the purple group typically being the most challenging due to wordplay involved. If players make four mistakes, the game is over. Hints are provided to help players when they are struggling, and the answers are also available for those who need extra assistance.
Today’s 16 words for the Connections game included terms like FLASH, CLASH, ZIP, LOVE, HEARTBEAT, MONOCLE, and TOP HAT. The hints provided for the groups were vague yet gave a slight indication of what each group could potentially be about. The yellow group was related to a brief moment, the green group to a dispute, the blue group to slang for zero, and the purple group to accessories for a certain mascot.
The solutions for today’s Connections groups were as follows: FLASH, HEARTBEAT, JIFF, and WINK belonged to the brief moment yellow group; CLASH, SCRAP, TANGLE, and TIFF were part of the dispute green group; JACK, LOVE, SQUAT, and ZIP were associated with the slang for zero blue group; and CANE, MONOCLE, SPAT, and TOP HAT were connected to the accessories for Mr. Peanut purple group. The author shared their experience of playing the game and how they struggled with the greens and purples but managed to figure out the yellows and blues with ease.
The author admitted that their nine-game winning streak came to an end in today’s Connections game. They shared how they initially had trouble with the greens, particularly with the word SPAT which they mistakenly associated with footwear. Despite changing tactics and successfully guessing the yellows and blues, they still struggled with the greens and purples. The author mistakenly thought the purples were related to the Monopoly mascot instead of Mr. Peanut, showing how important it is to pay attention to the hints provided for each group.
In conclusion, the author acknowledged that a new streak would start tomorrow as they looked forward to playing the game again. They reminded readers to check their blog for hints and solutions for the upcoming game on Tuesday. The Connections game offers a fun and challenging way to exercise one’s word association and critical thinking skills, providing an engaging activity for those looking to test their puzzle-solving abilities.