Hoda Kotb, co-host of NBC’s morning show “Today,” announced on Thursday that she will be leaving her position early next year. She has co-hosted the program with Savannah Guthrie since 2017, taking over from Matt Lauer. Kotb, who is one of the most recognizable faces on NBC, made the decision to leave in order to spend more time with her two young daughters, whom she adopted later in life. She views this as a chance to give them a bigger piece of her time pie.
Kotb’s departure will be a significant change for NBC, as she is considered a crucial part of the “Today” show’s connective tissue. In addition to co-hosting the top two hours of the show, she also hosts the 10 am “Hoda & Jenna” talk show. She described leaving as the hardest decision of her life, but ultimately wants to prioritize her family. Kotb originally joined NBC in 1998 as a correspondent on the “Dateline” newsmagazine, before becoming the co-host of the 10 am hour of “Today” with Kathie Lee Gifford, and later Jenna Bush Hager.
Savannah Guthrie expressed sadness at the thought of Kotb leaving, stating that they can’t imagine the show without her. She commended Kotb for having the guts to leave while at the top of her game. Morning shows like “Today” and ABC’s “Good Morning America” are highly profitable for their parent companies and are cultural icons. Network executives carefully manage transitions in order to maintain ratings and consistency. Kotb assured her colleagues that she plans to remain a part of the NBC family and expressed gratitude for her longstanding work relationship.
In a letter to “Today” staffers, Kotb stated that she plans to stay connected to the NBC family. She acknowledged the importance of family and expressed gratitude for the close relationships she has formed during her time at the network. NBC has not yet named a successor for Kotb, and it is likely that this decision will not be made for several months. Kotb’s departure marks a major shift in the morning television landscape, and her absence will be felt by viewers and colleagues alike. Additional context and color have been added to this story to provide further insight into Kotb’s decision to leave the show.