Maria Kimble was shocked to find her two kitchen cabinets had fallen off the wall, taking the oven, microwave, and over 100 plates and bowls with them. Her collection of limited edition Emma Bridgewater china was smashed to pieces, worth £4,000. Among the smashed pieces were six platters, 20 dinner plates, 10 cereal bowls, and other sentimental items. The cabinets had been in place for 14 months before the incident. The Emma Bridgewater pottery is handmade in Stoke-on-Trent with traditional techniques.
The photos show the collapsed B&Q kitchen larder cabinets, with everything inside them in pieces. The loss of her sentimental collection was devastating for Maria, as many pieces had personal significance. Her husband discovered the collapsed units and alerted her to the damage. The loss of her limited edition collector’s plates, including those with purple dahlias and a blue lobster, was particularly heartbreaking. Maria, who is a full-time carer for her autistic daughter, described feeling “numb” seeing her cherished crockery in ruins on the floor.
After the cabinets collapsed, the couple had to go without a stove for two weeks due to the oven being in pieces. Maria believes that poor-quality chipboard caused the units to disintegrate and fall. Despite the cabinets being advertised with a 25-year guarantee, she claims B&Q did not respond to her complaint. She noted that the cleanup was extensive, and the remains of her collection filled seven bags-for-life. Maria has since replaced the cabinets with units from Ikea and is working to rebuild her beloved collection.
B&Q expressed their apologies for the incident and offered to have an independent expert investigate the matter at their own expense. The company was unable to locate any records of Maria’s complaint. Maria shared her disappointment at losing almost her entire collection of limited edition pottery, some of which had sentimental value. She described the process of rebuilding her collection, with the support of Emma Bridgewater, who sent her a jug with an inscription. Maria is hopeful to restore her cherished collection over time through new additions and collections.
In response to the incident, Maria highlighted the emotional toll of losing her kitchen cabinets and prized crockery. She shared the personal stories behind many of the pieces in her collection, making their loss deeply felt. Maria’s experience also raised questions about the quality of the cabinets and the company’s response to her complaint. Despite the setback, she remains optimistic about rebuilding her collection and transforming her kitchen after the unfortunate collapse. Maria’s story serves as a reminder of the value we attach to sentimental items and the importance of quality in home installations.