Frédéric Valletoux, the delegate minister in charge of health and prevention, recently met with infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe to discuss the “sexual and moral harassment” allegations against emergency room doctor Patrick Pelloux that were brought up in a recent Paris Match investigation. The article sparked a wave of reactions and new testimonies. As a response, the minister will be meeting with representatives of professionals and interns starting Monday to develop a plan to combat sexual violence in hospitals.
During an interview on France Inter, Frédéric Valletoux mentioned that he will be gathering all stakeholders, including interns, on April 29th, followed by all health sector governing bodies in early May to come up with concrete proposals in the next few weeks. He emphasized that the culture of impunity is over, and there will be zero tolerance for such behavior. The goal is to put an end to the culture of sexism and sexual violence that has been prevalent in some hospitals and turn the page on this unfortunate period.
In addition to direct testimonies of assaults, many healthcare workers have denounced a “gun culture” and a “patriarchal” environment in hospitals that enable sexist and sexual violence. There has been a culture of silence, but recently, support services have been set up to report inappropriate behaviors. Karine Lacombe highlighted the fact that unless the behaviors are criminal, attempts are usually made to resolve the issue within the institution, sometimes by transferring the people involved.
The minister mentioned that efforts are already being made, but more needs to be done to address the issue of sexual violence in healthcare facilities. It is not just about condemning individual incidents, but looking at the entire healthcare system to ensure a safe and respectful environment for everyone. The ultimate goal is to create a culture where such behavior is not tolerated, and where victims can come forward and seek help without fear of reprisal. This is a step towards changing the narrative and creating a positive work environment in the healthcare sector.
Frédéric Valletoux’s initiative to address sexual violence in hospitals is a crucial step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of healthcare workers. By engaging with stakeholders and developing concrete proposals, the government is showing a commitment to tackling this issue head-on. It is essential to create a supportive environment where victims feel empowered to speak out, and perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. This work is ongoing, but it is a necessary step towards creating a culture of respect and equality in the healthcare sector.