The owner of two large dogs, identified as pit bulls, that attacked several other dogs in Calgary is facing 18 city bylaw charges. The incident, which occurred in February, resulted in the death of a Pomeranian and severe injuries to other dogs, including an Australian Shepherd named Joey. The owners of the injured dogs are distraught and believe that the incident could have been prevented. They are calling for stricter regulations regarding the ownership of large breed dogs and are urging politicians to make changes to existing pet bylaws.
The attack on Joey and the other dogs took place in Auburn Bay, with the unleashed pit bull cross dogs charging at them while they were out for a walk. The owner, Greg, tried to fend off the dogs, but they persisted in their attack. It took the intervention of a Good Samaritan to help stop the attack and save Greg and Joey. Unfortunately, the attacking dogs then went after a Pomeranian being walked by an elderly woman and killed it. The owners of the injured dogs are grateful for the help they received during the attack, but they are devastated by the loss of the Pomeranian and the injuries sustained by their own dog.
The owner of the dogs involved in the attack is now facing 18 bylaw charges, including severe injury to animals, animal at large, and unlicensed animals. The dogs are currently in custody as authorities seek a dangerous dog designation for them. The incident has highlighted the need for stricter regulations regarding the ownership and control of large breed dogs in residential areas. The existing Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw was recently updated to allow the chief bylaw officer to determine when a pet is considered “vicious,” a designation previously determined in court.
The owners of the injured dogs are advocating for changes to be made to pet bylaws to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. They believe that proactive measures need to be taken to ensure the safety of pets and people in residential neighborhoods. A gofundme has been set up by neighbors in Auburn Bay to help cover the vet bills for the injured dogs. The owners are calling on politicians to take action and make the necessary changes to protect both animals and humans from dangerous dog attacks.
A survey conducted by the city when updating the pet bylaw showed that measures aimed at reducing bite incidents by addressing nuisance behavior are widely supported. However, breed-specific legislation is discouraged as a way of preventing dog attacks. The owners of the injured dogs are adamant that more needs to be done to prevent incidents like the one that occurred in Calgary. They believe that education and training are important, but they are calling for additional measures to be put in place to ensure the safety of pets and people in the community.
The owners of the injured dogs are determined to raise awareness about the dangers of uncontrolled large breed dogs in residential neighborhoods. They are urging the public to contact politicians to push for changes to pet bylaws that will enhance the safety of both animals and humans. They believe that a proactive approach is necessary to prevent further attacks and are committed to advocating for stricter regulations and enforcement of pet ownership rules. Their goal is to ensure that incidents like the one that occurred in Calgary are prevented in the future.