The Love Island spin-off show All Stars aired this year with previous contestants Tom Clare and Molly Smith winning the series. However, fans have speculated that Callum Jones and Jess Gale, who came in second place, may have split up. The couple was seen together after leaving the show but have not been spotted together recently. There were speculations when Jess traveled to Paris without Callum and when Callum posted an Instagram roundup that did not feature Jess. Fans have noticed that Callum and Jess only appear together for brand appearances, fueling breakup rumors. Some social media users claimed that Callum and Jess are no longer together based on their recent actions. Despite this, Callum expressed a relaxed approach to their relationship and mentioned plans to go on dates.
Fans have been actively discussing the breakdown of the relationship between Callum Jones and Jess Gale, with many pointing out the absence of Jess in Callum’s recent Instagram posts. In a recent update, Callum was seen hanging out with their fellow co-stars instead. Some fans have expressed disappointment at the potential split of the All-Stars couple, while others questioned if every post from Callum required Jess to be included. The speculation intensified when Jess was not featured in Callum’s monthly roundup post, leading many to believe that the couple may have indeed ended their relationship. However, some defended Callum’s decision to not include Jess in his social media posts, suggesting that it is not necessary for every post to revolve around the relationship.
The All Stars couple, Callum and Jess, were considered a strong pair during their time on the show but have raised doubts about their relationship status through recent events. Fans have closely monitored their activities on social media and in public appearances, suggesting a possible breakup due to their absence from each other’s posts. Some followers have highlighted that Callum and Jess only seem to come together for promotional events, indicating a strained relationship. Along with their co-stars, Josh Ritchie and Sophie Piper, Callum posted updates that didn’t feature Jess, further fueling speculation about their split. Despite the rumors, some fans remain hopeful that the couple is still together but going through a private phase in their relationship.
The Love Island All Stars show has created a buzz among fans following the alleged breakup of one of the key couples from the series. Callum and Jess, known for their chemistry on the show, have sparked rumors of a split based on their recent social media activity. While it is unclear if the couple has officially ended their relationship, the absence of Jess in Callum’s posts has led to speculation within the fan community. Some fans have expressed disappointment at the perceived breakup, while others have questioned the significance of including Jess in all of Callum’s updates. The couple came in second place on the show and were considered a strong pair, making their possible split a topic of interest for viewers. Despite the rumors, Callum and Jess have not publicly addressed the speculation, leaving fans to form their own conclusions based on the evidence available.