In a recent Gallup article by Jim Harter, Ph.D., it was noted that all generations in the workplace, except baby boomers, have seen a decline in engagement since 2020. The key to building and rebuilding engagement lies in three factors: connecting to our authentic selves, each other, and our purpose. This is known as the Connectedness Quotient (CQ), which is crucial for fostering engagement.
Connecting with others is an essential component of CQ. It involves getting to know your team members on a deeper level, beyond just their roles and actions. By investing intentional time in building relationships and understanding each other’s values, fears, and aspirations, teams can create a sense of camaraderie and trust that enhances engagement and productivity.
Leaders like Cheryl have seen the power of getting to know team members on a personal level. By sharing stories, aspirations, and core learning moments, teams can form bonds that transcend day-to-day business issues. Curiosity about others is key to building these connections, as it activates the energy of love within a team and fosters a sense of understanding and support.
Curiosity practices, such as sharing poems or significant objects, discussing core learning moments, or talking about aspirations, can be introduced by team leaders to facilitate deeper connections among team members. By creating a space for authentic sharing, leaders can foster an environment of trust and understanding that helps teams navigate disagreements and challenges with compassion and empathy.
Building heart-based relationships within teams is essential for creating a supportive and cohesive work environment. By taking the time to get to know team members on a personal level and share stories that resonate on a deeper level, leaders can lay the foundation for long-lasting bonds that sustain teams through difficult times and challenges.
In conclusion, investing in building connections and getting to know team members on a personal level is crucial for fostering engagement, trust, and collaboration within teams. By embracing curiosity, sharing stories, and creating a space for authentic communication, leaders can create a work environment that values human connection and supports the growth and well-being of each team member.