The Kremlin is addressing concerns over the potential impact of the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France on the messaging platform, which is widely used in Russia and plays a significant role in coordinating efforts in the Ukraine war. Russian government spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed calls for users to delete sensitive messages on the app, emphasizing the importance of evidence to support the serious allegations against Durov. Peskov warned against any attempts to restrict freedom of communication and intimidate the head of a major company, highlighting the need for a politics-free investigation by French authorities.
French President Emmanuel Macron declared that the charges against Durov were not politically motivated, a departure from the usual avoidance of discussing criminal cases by French leaders to prevent any hint of political influence on judiciary matters. The Paris prosecutor’s office listed various accusations against Durov, including claims of complicity in aiding illegal activities and failure to comply with demands to intercept suspicious communications. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov suggested that Durov’s arrest was influenced by outside advice and aimed at gaining access to encryption codes, despite lacking concrete evidence.
With nearly a billion users, Telegram is a globally popular communication app known for its strong encryption, limited content control, and advanced features like large file sharing. The app is widely used in countries with restricted freedom of speech and in conflict zones like Ukraine, where it plays a crucial role in military communications. Telegram’s secure and efficient platform has attracted both Ukrainian officials for sharing military updates and pro-Russian bloggers who see it as a key tool for communication. Despite official denials, some bloggers consider Telegram as a vital resource for military and civilian communication.
Pro-Russian military bloggers have highlighted Telegram’s significance for military communication, with one blogger suggesting that Durov’s arrest equates to detaining the head of communications for the Russian Armed Forces. Telegram is seen as an alternative information source that is independent of official channels and efficient in delivering messages. The platform is also valued for its security against Western intelligence agencies and its role as an advertising and blogging platform. The potential threat to Telegram’s operation has raised concerns among supporters in Russia, where the app remains a popular and influential tool for communication and information sharing.
The unexpected support from pro-Russian military bloggers and the Kremlin for Durov and Telegram contrasts with Durov’s previous conflict with Moscow over user data. Durov had refused to comply with Russian authorities when he was the CEO of Vkontakte (VK), a social media network similar to Facebook. Following his resignation and relocation to Dubai, Durov founded Telegram, which has grown into a widely used messaging platform with a focus on privacy and security. Despite the ongoing developments involving Durov’s arrest in France, Telegram continues to be a prominent player in global communication networks, attracting users seeking secure and efficient messaging services.