Kelly Reilly, who portrayed Beth Dutton in the popular series “Yellowstone,” appeared to confirm rumors of a spinoff featuring her character and Rip Wheeler, played by Cole Hauser, following the series finale. Fans speculated that Reilly had signed a deal to join Hauser in a spinoff, and after the finale, they flooded her Instagram with questions about the possible new show. While Reilly initially remained quiet about the rumors, she finally confirmed the speculation in response to a fan’s comment on Instagram, simply replying “true” with a white heart emoji.
In a tribute post reflecting on her time on “Yellowstone,” Reilly expressed gratitude for the people she worked with, the support of the crew, and the dedication of the cast. She also thanked the audience for joining them on the journey. Reilly described her experience on the show as challenging and transformative, expressing her appreciation for the opportunity to portray Beth Dutton. She credited series creator Taylor Sheridan for believing in her and continuing to develop the character throughout the seasons.
Reports emerged in August that Reilly and Hauser were in negotiations to return for a sixth season of “Yellowstone,” and Deadline later confirmed that a deal had been finalized. Reilly’s recent comments on Instagram seemed to corroborate this news. While Reilly had previously mentioned being open to new opportunities beyond Beth Dutton, her recent comment suggests that she may be reprising her role in the planned spinoff with Hauser. She hinted at the possibility of exploring new facets of Beth’s character and the challenges she may face in the future.
In an interview with Town and Country, Reilly discussed her experience on “Yellowstone” and the evolving nature of her character, Beth Dutton. She described the character development in the latest season and expressed interest in exploring different aspects of Beth’s personality. While Reilly acknowledged the uniqueness of Beth’s journey, she also hinted at the potential for further growth and development in future storylines. She playfully suggested the idea of Beth going to therapy, indicating a willingness to delve into deeper character exploration in the spinoff.
Reilly’s potential spinoff with Hauser is not the only new project in the works related to “Yellowstone.” Two other spinoffs, “1883” and “1923,” are in development to explore the Dutton family’s history before the events of the main series. Additionally, Michelle Pfeiffer and Matthew Fox are set to star in a new series called “The Madison,” which promises to delve into themes of grief and human connection in a New York City family living in Montana. These spinoffs expand the “Yellowstone” universe and offer fans new stories and characters to connect with beyond the original show.