In February 2024, in Paris, a team of sworn control inspectors arrive at a modern building in the 15th arrondissement to regulate short-term rentals, particularly on platforms like Airbnb. They are greeted by a hurried individual who informs them that the Airbnb in the building is occupied by a couple that arrived the day before. Despite the host’s reluctance to share details, the inspectors proceed to check the compliance of the rental with regulations set by the City of Paris to manage the growing trend of short-term rentals, especially with the upcoming Olympics.
A campaign of control of tourist rentals is being organized by the municipality in the bustling neighborhood of Rue du Commerce to ensure that rental hosts are following the strict rules set by the city. With the proliferation of tourist rentals in Paris, especially leading up to the Olympics, there is a concern about the impact on the traditional rental market. The inspectors go door-to-door in the building, trying to ascertain if any rentals have been declared and if there are any unauthorized guests coming and going. Despite some reassurances from residents about the legality of rentals in the building, suspicions arise regarding potential unregistered rentals.
After the visit, the inspectors engage in a discussion about their findings, speculating about unregistered rentals that may be operating in the building. There is uncertainty about the information provided by residents and the potential existence of unreported rentals, which will require further investigation. The inspections are not only about enforcing regulations but also about showing that the City of Paris is actively monitoring short-term rentals in an effort to prevent unauthorized listings and rental activity. This demonstrates the city’s commitment to regulating the rental market and protecting the interests of residents.
To ensure that rental hosts are aware of the regulations, the inspectors leave informational flyers in all mailboxes in the building, outlining the rules that hosts must follow. These include registering with the city, adhering to the rules of their building’s co-ownership agreement, and limits on the number of days a property can be rented out per year. The flyers also emphasize the potential fines that hosts could face if found to be in violation of the regulations, up to 50,000 euros per property. These regular inspection campaigns serve as a reminder to hosts to comply with the rules and regulations to avoid facing penalties.
In conclusion, the inspections conducted by the City of Paris aim to ensure that short-term rental hosts are following the regulations set by the city to control the growing trend of tourist rentals in the city, especially as Paris prepares for the upcoming Olympics. By actively monitoring and enforcing these rules, the city aims to protect the traditional rental market and prevent unauthorized rental activity. Through these campaigns, the city also aims to raise awareness among hosts about the regulations and the consequences of non-compliance, ultimately strengthening the control and management of the rental market in Paris.