Dining out can be detrimental to dieting as restaurants often use cheap ways to enhance the flavor of their food like salt, sugar, and heavy cream. Portion sizes are also much larger than recommended, leading to overeating. However, with some tips and tricks, it is possible to enjoy a night out without regret. One key tip is to choose a restaurant with healthy options and plan your order beforehand to avoid being swayed by peer pressure. Knowing what you will order before having an alcoholic beverage is also important to stay on track.
Considering the impact of alcohol on food choices, it is recommended to alternate each drink with a glass of water and avoid high-calorie appetizers. Skipping appetizers and complimentary bread baskets can help in reducing calorie intake. When ordering meals, it is suggested to replace unhealthy sides like fries with a side salad or steamed vegetables to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, as recommended by the USDA. Ordering salad dressing on the side and choosing oil-based dressings over creamy ones can also make a difference in calorie intake.
Planning for portion control is another important aspect when eating out. Requesting a to-go box when your food arrives and putting half of your meal in it immediately can help avoid overeating. This trick not only aids in portion control but also saves money as you get two meals out of one dining experience. Sharing a healthy entree with a friend or date is another way to ensure proper portion control. By following these tips and being mindful of food choices, it is possible to enjoy a night out without compromising your diet.