The beginning of 2K25 is marked by a new moon in Capricorn, with the sun moving into Aquarius on January 19th. The lunar nodes shift into Virgo and Pisces on January 11th, heralding the axis of practical magic. Astrologer Elise Wells explains that this shift calls for integration rather than compartmentalization, inviting individuals to dissolve into the ebb and flow of creation and destruction. This period is about embracing chaos and allowing oneself to merge with the dance of order and chaos.
The full wolf moon in Cancer on January 13th urges everyone to howl for their healing, marking the first full moon of the new year. Lunar New Year is celebrated on January 29th, with the Year of the Snake bringing opportunities for shedding old skin. Mars and Venus will be in water signs for most of January, encouraging softer desires and a deeper connection to the ocean’s resonance and frequency. This is a time to tap into your psychic and emotional depths, allowing for a more profound experience of your inner desires.
Chiron continues to move through Aries, urging individuals to process and heal their past wounds while embracing grief as a natural part of the human experience. Uranus in Taurus brings opportunities to integrate genius, transformative energies for personal growth and evolution. With Jupiter in Gemini, communication will be highlighted, allowing for downloads and insights to flow more freely. Cancer, with Mars in retrograde in your sign, it’s time to use your emotional energy to fuel your desires and push forward towards your goals.
For Leo, Pluto in Aquarius brings tension between playfulness and detachment, offering an opportunity to infuse warmth and vitality into cold, futuristic spaces. Virgo, as the South Node moves through your sign, it’s a chance to unearth forgotten truths and spiritual gifts to carry forward. Libra, with the South Node leaving your sign, you can now focus on connecting with others in a balanced and supportive way. Scorpios may feel the urge to ground themselves in new modalities for progress and protection with Uranus in Taurus.
Sagittarius, with Jupiter in your sign, it’s time to express and communicate your thoughts and feelings openly. Capricorn, with Mercury in your sign, focus on your mind and consciousness to bring your dreams into reality. Aquarius, with Pluto moving into your sign, embrace your ability to detach and heal while exploring new perspectives and innovative ideas. Pisces, the North Node moving into your sign allows you to deepen your understanding of your true purpose and step into your original self over the next 18 months.
In summary, the beginning of 2K25 brings opportunities for healing, integration, and growth in various areas of life for each zodiac sign. The planetary movements and shifts highlight the importance of embracing change, communicating openly, and connecting with your true self. The energies of each sign are unique, offering the chance to explore different aspects of oneself and deepen one’s connection to the universe. Astrologers like Elise Wells and Reda Wigle provide guidance and insights to help navigate these cosmic influences and make the most of the new year ahead.