Priti Sthankiya, a Heathrow baggage handler, was caught stealing £29,000 worth of jewelry from a lost suitcase at Terminal 2. She hid the bag under a carousel and took out designer items such as handbags, cash, sunglasses, a watch, a MacBook, and a diamond ring. The victim, Sandhya Gunesh, and her partner had just returned from a holiday in Mauritius and accidentally left their hand luggage behind. Ms. Gunesh tracked her missing items to the airport but was unable to locate them. CCTV footage revealed Sthankiya stealing the suitcase.
After being arrested at her home, Sthankiya admitted to stealing the jewelry and claimed it was hers. Despite returning most of the stolen items, about £4,000 worth remained missing. Sthankiya told police she was “going through a difficult time” and cited financial difficulties and a divorce as contributing factors to her crime. Her defense argued for a suspended sentence due to her remorse and personal circumstances, but the judge highlighted the breach of trust as a baggage handler and the deliberate nature of the theft.
The judge sentenced Sthankiya to 12 months in prison suspended for 12 months along with rehabilitation activities and mental health treatment. Despite her remorse, Sthankiya’s actions were deemed a serious breach of trust given her role as a baggage handler. She was spared immediate prison time due to her personal struggles, but the judge emphasized the severity of her offense. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of trust and responsibility in roles that involve handling other people’s belongings.
The case attracted attention due to the significant value of the stolen jewelry and the breach of trust by a Heathrow airport employee. Sthankiya’s actions were carefully planned, involving hiding the stolen items and pretending they belonged to her. The judge’s decision to suspend her sentence reflects a consideration of her difficult personal circumstances, despite the deliberate nature of the theft. The victim’s ordeal of losing valuable possessions highlights the impact of theft and the importance of trustworthiness in public-facing roles.
Sthankiya’s crime highlights the consequences of succumbing to financial pressures and personal challenges that can lead individuals to make poor decisions. The suspended sentence serves as a warning to others about the serious repercussions of breaching trust and committing theft. It also underscores the responsibility of employees in positions of authority to act with integrity and honesty. The case illustrates the impact of theft on victims and the legal system’s approach to balancing justice with understanding personal circumstances.