After years of remote work, Gen Z is now finding themselves glamorizing office culture. Despite being known for their affinity for remote work, many Gen Zers are excited about the prospect of going into the office. Only about 11% of Gen Z workers would prefer to be fully remote, showing that there is a significant portion of this generation that values the traditional office setting. This shift in attitude is evident in the way Gen Z individuals are posting “Get Ready With Me” videos showcasing their office looks and excitement about free snacks at the office.
One Gen Z individual, Julia Quag, shared her experience of transitioning from a retail job to an office job and expressed her excitement about going into the office. She enjoyed the routine of going into the office every day, decorating her desk, and having a set schedule similar to her school days. Quag’s enthusiasm for office life is a common sentiment among many young adults entering the workforce, as the novelty and excitement of a new experience often bring a mix of nerves, joy, and fear.
Experts note that it is normal for young adults, especially Gen Zers, to romanticize and find excitement in new experiences, including office life. Nadia Ibrahim-Taney, a career coach and assistant professor at the University of Cinicinnati, encourages young people to embrace this excitement and view it as a positive aspect of their professional development. For Gen Z individuals who have spent the early years of their careers isolated at home, the opportunity to work in an office setting provides a chance for social interaction, learning experiences, and the possibility of making work friends.
Despite the initial excitement of going into the office, Gen Zers may eventually find that the glamour wears off as they settle into their 9-to-5 routine. The appeal of office life may diminish once the novelty fades, and the practical aspects of daily work become more prominent. However, the social touchpoints and learning opportunities that the office environment provides are valuable for young professionals, particularly for Gen Z individuals. The significance of these interactions is highlighted by experts who emphasize the importance of social connections in the workplace.
One Gen Z individual, Julia Quag, ultimately decided to leave her office job to pursue a career as a full-time content creator. The strict dress code at her workplace, which required her to wear a black blazer and trousers at all times, was a major factor in her decision to quit. Quag’s experience reflects the reality that while some Gen Z individuals may initially romanticize office life, they may eventually find certain aspects of traditional work environments restrictive or unappealing. This highlights the importance of finding a work environment that aligns with one’s values and preferences, regardless of societal expectations or norms.