The French Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, announced on March 25, 2024, that “exceptional means” would be deployed “everywhere in the country” with “4,000 additional soldiers (…) on alert.” This decision comes after the terrorist attack in Moscow claimed by the Islamic State organization and the raising of the Vigipirate alert system to its highest level in France. Attal stated that the Islamist terrorist threat is real and strong, and has never diminished, citing the thwarting of two terrorist plots in France since the beginning of the year.
According to the Ministry of the Interior speaking to Agence France-Presse, the first plot was foiled on January 10, with the arrest of a person planning to target “Jewish targets” or a “LGBT nightclub.” The second plot, on March 5, involved a 62-year-old man planning to attack Christian religious buildings. Attal emphasized that 45 terrorist plots have been thwarted since 2017 and 760 radicalized foreigners have been deported over the same period. In October, Vigipirate was already raised to the “terrorist emergency” level following the murder of teacher Dominique Bernard in Arras by a radicalized former student.
Attal called for a meeting on Monday morning with the Secretary-General of Defense and National Security to discuss adapting security measures following the increased alert level. The Directorate-General for Internal Security (DGSI) will also convene on Thursday morning with all intelligence actors to address the implications of the Moscow attack, as announced by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. Darmanin emphasized that terrorist attacks are prevented almost every month, underscoring the ongoing efforts to combat terrorism in France.
Attal emphasized the concrete actions being taken to combat terrorism, stating that the government is proactive and resolute in its efforts. The fight against terrorism is a top priority, with measures implemented across various sectors to ensure the safety and security of the population. Attal’s visit to the Saint-Lazare station in Paris as part of the Vigipirate alert raise symbolizes the government’s commitment to addressing the persistent terrorist threat in the country.
The deployment of 4,000 additional military personnel in response to the heightened threat level reflects the seriousness of the situation and the government’s determination to ensure the safety of its citizens. The government has been proactive in preventing terrorist attacks, with a focus on intelligence gathering and rapid response to potential threats. The continued vigilance and coordinated efforts of security forces are crucial in thwarting terrorist plots and maintaining public safety in the face of ongoing threats from extremist groups.