Kieren Smith, a 33-year-old lorry driver from South Yorkshire, shared his story of addiction to gambling that began at the age of eight when he first played slot machines during family holidays. Over the years, his addiction escalated, leading him to lose over £100,000. His obsession with gambling extended to bingo and betting on various sports. By the time he hit rock bottom in 2018, after becoming homeless and overdosing, he sought help and has been free of gambling for six years.
Reflecting on his childhood, Kieren recalls how he would be in the arcade at eight years old, eagerly watching his relatives play on the machines. As he grew older, his gambling activities expanded to betting on sports and bingo. This habit had severe consequences, leading to him losing his wages regularly and resorting to borrowing money and taking out payday loans. Kieren describes a pattern of chasing a big win even when he was aware of the risks.
Kieren’s turning point came in 2018 when he was facing homelessness due to his gambling debts. After overdosing, he reached out for help through the national gambling helpline, determined to break free from his addiction. Since then, he has abstained from gambling. Despite this positive change, Kieren still faces challenges, such as difficulty in obtaining a mortgage or a mobile phone contract due to his gambling history. He advises young people to educate themselves about the potential risks of gambling before getting involved.
In addition to sharing his personal story, Kieren advocates for changes in gambling advertising to highlight the negative consequences of excessive betting. He points out how gambling companies target individuals based on their spending habits and offer incentives to encourage more betting. Kieren emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about the dangers of gambling, especially for children who are exposed to gambling advertisements in various media platforms. By shedding light on the hidden realities of gambling addiction, he hopes to help others make informed decisions.
Kieren’s experience serves as a cautionary tale about the destructive power of gambling addiction and the importance of seeking help when faced with overwhelming challenges. Through his journey, he emphasizes the need for responsible gambling practices, seeking support when needed, and educating oneself about the risks associated with gambling. Kieren’s courage in sharing his story and advocating for change in the industry underscores the resilience and determination needed to overcome addiction and rebuild one’s life.