Javier Milei, Argentina’s first self-proclaimed libertarian president, has gained global attention through his use of social media to shape public opinion and gather political support. Despite having a minority presence in Congress, his La Libertad Avanza coalition has secured victories over major political opponents. Milei’s trip to Davos earlier this year, where he lectured on the perils of socialism and received support from influential figures like Elon Musk, boosted his political capital even further.
The clash between Milei’s government and the Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) union before a general strike in January revealed divisions among Argentinians. Milei’s supporters saw the strike as a way to expose the union leadership as remnants of the past, while opposition members viewed it as a heroic stand against a tyrannical ruler. The union leaders condemned Milei’s government, leading to tens of thousands marching in protest in Buenos Aires.
The power dynamics between Milei’s digital influence and the CGT’s traditional mass mobilizations reflect a shift in political tactics. While Milei harnesses social media for support, the CGT relies on their ability to disrupt with physical protests. These mass demonstrations have become a common feature of Argentine politics, with the population divided along ideological lines and viewing protesters either as heroes or members of a privileged class.
Despite the CGT protest adhering to anti-picket protocols and demonstrating docility, it signifies a decline in the power of organized labor movements in Argentina. The limited impact of the protest, combined with structural issues within the union system, highlights the challenges faced by traditional labor organizations in the country. Milei’s ability to outmaneuver established political coalitions through digital means underscores the changing nature of power in Argentine politics.
While Milei’s social media presence has catapulted him to political prominence, his lack of legislative power limits his ability to enact significant changes. The waning support for his government, coupled with economic challenges, could lead to increased volatility in the streets. Milei’s team must balance their online popularity with real-world effectiveness to navigate the complex political landscape in Argentina. As social media continues to shape political discourse, the consequences of these digital interactions will play out in the physical world.