Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi, who reportedly tied the knot in May, were seen leaving Manhattan in a helicopter over the weekend. Despite the casual nature of their trip to the West Side Highway helipad, Brown still embraced her bridal status by wearing off-white, tie-waist linen pants and a ivory Free People cap-sleeve cami. She added a cream-colored collared pullover to stay warm during the helicopter ride and accessorized with off-white sandals, sepia-toned sunglasses, a chainlink necklace, gold hoops, and a bright white shoulder bag. The Louis Vuitton Over the Moon bag’s quilted leather texture and gold chain strap added a bridal-ready touch to her outfit.
Brown and Bongiovi exuded newlywed bliss as they linked arms and smiled brightly for the cameras. Brown’s accessories, including matching jewelry and a brown Louis Vuitton tote bag, complemented her outfit and added a touch of luxury to her travel look. Despite their young age, the newlyweds appeared comfortable and confident as they embarked on their helicopter ride, displaying a sense of style and sophistication that belied their years. The couple’s coordinated outfits and beaming smiles highlighted their love and happiness on this special occasion, capturing the attention of onlookers and fans alike.
While Brown and Bongiovi may not be the most recent newlyweds in their family (Bongiovi’s brother Jesse married earlier in the month), their fashion choices have not gone unnoticed. Brown’s laid-back yet luxurious travel style, complete with carefully selected accessories and coordinated color palette, showcased her fashion sense and eye for detail. Despite the casual nature of the helicopter ride, Brown made sure to dress the part of a newlywed, embracing her bridal status with her outfit and accessories. The couple’s matching smiles and affectionate gestures further emphasized their happiness and shared excitement for their new journey together as a married couple.
Brown’s choice of off-white, tie-waist linen pants and ivory cami, paired with a cream-colored pullover and off-white sandals, created a chic and effortless travel look. Her selection of sepia-toned sunglasses, chainlink necklace, gold hoops, and white shoulder bag added the perfect finishing touches to her ensemble, exuding a sense of sophistication and style. By opting for a mix of luxury and comfort in her outfit and accessories, Brown managed to strike the right balance between laid-back travel attire and bridal elegance, showcasing her ability to adapt her fashion sense to any occasion. The couple’s coordinated outfits and shared happiness further emphasized their strong connection and love for each other, making them a picture-perfect newlywed pair.
Despite their young age and recent wedding, Brown and Bongiovi showcased a level of maturity and confidence in their fashion choices and demeanor. Brown’s attention to detail and ability to create a cohesive and stylish look for their helicopter ride demonstrated her keen eye for fashion and her willingness to embrace her newlywed status. The couple’s matching smiles and affectionate gestures during the outing highlighted their love and happiness, drawing attention to their relationship and exciting new chapter as a married couple. With their coordinated outfits and shared sense of style, Brown and Bongiovi proved that age is no barrier to expressing individuality and happiness through fashion, setting a stylish example for young couples everywhere.