CEOs, even the most experienced ones, often find themselves feeling lonely as they climb the career ladder. A Forbes article highlighted that around one out of every three CEOs experiences loneliness at some point in their careers. The feeling of isolation and loneliness can lead to overthinking and losing perspective on where your company fits in the competitive business environment. This can ultimately impact the performance of your business, as the saying goes, “You can’t read the label from inside the jar.”
Identifying if you are in the “jar” involves recognizing signs such as feeling that tasks on your to-do list are becoming smaller and less significant, focusing on internal company issues during meetings, and feeling like your company is not moving fast enough. The Leadership Contract Inc. emphasizes this issue by highlighting the inward or outward focus of your meetings. If your meetings are more internal-focused, it is a clear sign that you are in the jar and may need help to get out.
To break free from the feelings of isolation and regain perspective, the first step is admitting that you are in the jar and acknowledging that it is affecting your vision. Return to your company’s values and purpose, as Elizabeth Crook suggests, to re-center your vision and focus on your path. Additionally, defining your company’s relative advantage and understanding where it fits into the competitive landscape is crucial. Questions are key to escaping the jar, starting with evaluating the balance of internal and external meetings and seeking input from your leadership team on the company’s relative advantage.
Shifting the culture of a CEO getting out of the jar may not be easy, but it can lead to progress and success that other companies envy. Encouraging an outwardly focused culture and celebrating wins, as Matthew Urwin recommends, can help maintain progress and keep motivation high. Recognizing and rewarding employees at all levels for work that demonstrates outside-in thinking is also important. Addressing stagnation or low culture energy in your business promptly is essential, as it may indicate that you are already in the jar or on the verge of being in it.
Whether you are a new CEO or a seasoned veteran, being honest with yourself about being in the jar is crucial. By assessing where you are currently, you can identify if you are already out or in the jar, and take steps to pivot and get back on track. If the suggested tactics do not work, being willing to make bold decisions to break free from the jar is essential. Getting out of the jar, no matter the cost, is job one to ensure that you can lead your company effectively and stay connected to the business world around you.