After a series of tragic events involving minors, Emmanuel Macron has called on his government to launch a major consultation to find solutions to the “surge of ultra-violence”, especially among the youngest individuals. Macron stated during the cabinet meeting that “the emergence of ultra-violence in daily life, among increasingly younger citizens, requires long-term work that involves all stakeholders”. He emphasized the need to end the process of decivilization and mentioned that the Prime Minister would initiate the consultation process involving mayors, associations, parents, and teachers.
Gabriel Attal was scheduled to visit Viry-Châtillon, a town in Essonne recently affected by the death of a 15-year-old teenager named Shemseddine who was beaten near his school. Attal was expected to discuss the importance of authority in the Republic during his visit, marking his “first hundred days” in office. The government has highlighted the need for authority to be applied universally and announced plans for a specific action plan on this issue, building on their efforts since 2017.
The announcement of the consultation on “ultra-violence” was compared by Macron to the action taken to combat femicides. He referenced the Grenelle des violences conjugales, a national consultation program that brought together various stakeholders to address domestic violence against women and produce tangible results. Macron urged the government to mobilize on a similar scale to address violence among minors, acknowledging the progress made but calling for further significant efforts in this area.
The consultation on violence among minors is part of the government’s broader efforts to address social issues and restore authority in society. The initiative is seen as a continuation of previous actions taken by the government since 2017 to tackle societal challenges such as femicides and now, violence among young individuals. Macron emphasized the importance of engaging all relevant parties, including local authorities, organizations, parents, and educators, to find effective solutions to the issue of ultra-violence.
The government’s approach to addressing the issue of ultra-violence reflects a recognition of the complex societal factors contributing to such behaviors among young individuals. By launching a national consultation program similar to the one on femicides, the government aims to mobilize various stakeholders and produce concrete outcomes to tackle the problem. Macron’s call for a comprehensive and sustained effort to combat violence among minors signals a commitment to addressing the root causes of such behaviors and promoting a safer and more respectful society for all citizens.