The Snow Moon in Virgo will reach its peak on February 24th, 2024 at 7:28 a.m. EST. It emphasizes integration between the practicalities of Virgo and the dreamy nature of Pisces. This full moon will also oppose Mercury and Saturn in Pisces, leading to potential confusion and challenges in communication. The forces are pushing us to test boundaries and practice clarity in conversation to promote compassion for all parties involved.
The Snow Moon symbolizes renewal and clearing clutter in preparation for new growth. The names for the full moons are drawn from various traditions, with February’s full moon known as the Snow Moon or the Bony Moon due to the historical high snowfall levels in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time to reflect on scarcity and consider what areas of our lives we may have learned to anticipate or accept limitations rather than abundance.
Virgo and Pisces are associated with service and intuition, representing action and reflection. They both focus on healing, with Virgo focusing on the physical while Pisces focuses on the psychic. Both signs can also fall into codependent dynamics, losing themselves in attempts to help others. This lunation teaches us the importance of tending to ourselves first before helping others and finding a medicine worth sharing through self-care.
The lessons of this lunation are embodied by Rick Rubin, who exemplifies the practical poet and poetic pragmatist. Rubin’s combination of a Pisces sun and Virgo moon showcases his ability to balance divine inspiration with practical application. He emphasizes the transition from idea to reality and the importance of taking small steps in a determined direction to achieve renewal and growth. The axis of Pisces and Virgo emphasizes the importance of subtle actions leading to meaningful outcomes.
The full moon represents the culmination of a lunar cycle, bringing revelations to light and allowing cycles to run their course. February’s Snow Moon in Virgo is a time for refinement and renewal, highlighting the importance of clearing away what no longer serves us. Both Virgo and Pisces are vulnerable to inertia and stagnation, but by finding the balance between action and intuition, we can move forward with purpose. Those under the influence of the mutable signs will feel the effects of this full moon most acutely.