Elon Musk’s Twitter blue checkmark system has undergone a significant shift, with the billionaire now restoring blue badges to prominent accounts on the platform. Previously, Musk had made user payments for the blue checkmark a key part of his plan to build a subscription business on Twitter. However, after facing pushback from users, Musk has now chosen to return the badges to influential members of the community without requiring payment. This marks a major reversal in Musk’s stance, as he had previously insisted that those wanting the blue checkmark pay $8 a month.
Musk’s decision to restore blue checkmarks to prominent accounts comes after a period of controversy surrounding the system. Many users objected to Musk’s requirement for payment, noting that verification of journalists offered the public a way to quickly identify credible sources of news. Musk’s disregard for this sentiment, along with his eagerness to strip journalists of their special status, has led to further criticism of his actions. Despite Musk’s attempts to empower the public relative to journalists, many have rejected his changes to the verification system.
Unfortunately, the once-coveted status symbol of the blue checkmark has lost its value amidst Musk’s changes. Trolls impersonating others were granted blue checkmarks, and the symbol became a toxic sign of loyalty to Musk. Users who had not paid for the checkmark were surprised to find themselves with the badge, leading to further confusion and frustration among the community. Musk’s attempts to restore the blue checkmarks now indicate a desperation to regain lost power users on the platform, despite his previous stance against the elites.
Musk’s takeover of Twitter has resulted in a downward spiral for the platform, with daily usage plummeting and user base shrinking significantly. Competitor platforms like Meta’s Threads continue to grow, with Mark Zuckerberg aiming for 1 billion users on his platform. Musk’s platform, on the other hand, has been criticized for descending into a right-wing fever swamp, causing many users to seek refuge on alternative platforms. The decline in daily active users and the negative trend on Twitter signal trouble for Musk as he attempts to salvage his platform’s reputation.
The shift in Musk’s approach to the blue checkmark system reflects his desperation to attract back power users and regain credibility on the platform. Musk’s decision to restore the badges to prominent accounts without requiring payment is a stark reversal from his previous stance, indicating a recognition of the value of verified users on the platform. Despite the controversy surrounding Musk’s actions and the decline in Twitter’s user base, it remains to be seen whether these changes will help Musk recover from the platform’s negative trajectory.