Simon Mann, a former SAS member, has led a life of extraordinary escapades, including service in the SAS, making millions through exploits in Sierra Leone and Angola, and attempting the ‘Wonga Coup’ to depose the President of Equatorial Guinea. After surviving malaria during five years in African prisons, Mann, now 71, has left his third wife, Amanda, and is reportedly being comforted by a woman more than 20 years his junior. The couple, who had lived in a house on the south coast since Mann’s release in 2009, has decided to get divorced after a difficult marriage since his return from Africa.
Locals who regularly saw the Manns out running in Lymington and visiting their wisteria-clad house are surprised by the news of their divorce. Amanda, who had supported Mann through his captures in African prisons and been referred to by him as ‘the Duchess’, appeared to appreciate the drama of his extraordinary life. Their youngest child leaving home seems to have been the catalyst for the decision to get divorced. Their son Jack, from Mann’s first marriage, has also made headlines for being named as Prince Harry’s ‘real best man’ and having a business trip to Libya interrupted when their paperwork needed to be ‘rectified’.
During Mann’s imprisonment, Amanda displayed unrelenting spirit in fighting for his release, acquiring a T-shirt with a defiant slogan. However, the couple’s marriage has now come to an end, despite their long history together. Amanda, 58, is not entirely alone as her mother has been living with her and Simon for years. The split between Simon and Amanda comes as a surprise to many who had seen them appearing completely at ease with each other, going about their lives in Lymington and hosting visitors at their picturesque home overlooking the Isle of Wight.
Simon Mann’s life story is one of intrigue, wealth, and turmoil, from his time in the SAS to his involvement in the failed coup attempt in Equatorial Guinea. Now engaged in growing medicinal cannabis in North Macedonia, Mann has kept a low profile regarding his personal life and the details of his divorce from Amanda. As the younger generation of the Mann family, particularly Jack Mann, continues to have their own share of adventures, Simon seems to be embarking on a new chapter with a younger companion. Despite the challenges and controversies that have marked Mann’s life, his resilience and ability to navigate through difficult situations have remained constant throughout the years.