Rita Ora was spotted working out in Balmain, Sydney on Easter weekend, flaunting her super toned figure in all-black activewear. She wore tight bike shorts and a crop top from Planet Nusa, accessorizing with bright yellow Marni fussbett sandals. Rita also wore a pair of black designer glasses and a beige Panavision cap, carrying a large bag with essentials like a towel and yoga mat. She was seen hanging out with local socialites, including Pip Edwards, at the beach after her yoga class.
During her beach outing with Pip Edwards, Rita wore a tiny black bikini, showcasing her toned physique. Pip also showed off her own super toned figure in a purple one-piece. The friends, along with Anna Lahey, enjoyed a fun photoshoot captioned ‘Beach gals’ on Instagram. Rita and her husband Taika Waititi split their time between London and Australia, with Rita being a well-known figure on Australian shores. They were recently spotted out for dinner at Restaurant Hubert in Sydney, showcasing Rita’s signature style.
Rita Ora is known for her frequent visits to Australia and has spent time working as a judge on The Voice Australia. She and Taika Waititi, who tied the knot in August 2022, have been spending time Down Under in recent weeks. Rita is no stranger to physical fitness, as evidenced by her dedication to attending a yoga class over the Easter weekend to work off any indulgences in Easter eggs. She maintained hydration during her workout with a large pink water bottle.
Rita Ora’s activewear choice of tight bike shorts and a crop top highlighted her toned pins and abs during her yoga class in Sydney. She accessorized with jewelry pieces in both gold and silver, adding a pop of color with bright yellow Marni fussbett sandals worth $895. Rita’s social interactions during her time in Sydney have been with local socialites like Pip Edwards and Anna Lahey, showing her friendly and sociable nature. She continues to make waves in the entertainment and fashion industry with her stylish and fit appearance.