In 2023, there was uncertainty in the nonprofit sector in France due to inflation. A survey conducted at the beginning of the year showed that six out of ten French people felt they no longer had the same financial capacity as in the previous year. More people planned to give less (39%) than those intending to give more (22%) – a first since the study began in 2019. However, preliminary indicators suggest that the situation may not have been as dire as anticipated.
According to Stéphane Dauge, director of communication, donor relations, and resources at the Apprentis d’Auteuil foundation, French people of all ages and income levels ultimately showed generosity in response to the perceived crisis. A survey conducted in February and March of 2024 with 1,500 adults indicated that 51% had donated to associations or foundations in 2023, with higher income households showing an increase in donations. Even among the lower income brackets, the percentage of donors increased, with 43% of households earning less than 15,000 euros contributing in 2023.
One positive sign for the sector is the increase in the average donation amount. In 2023, the average donation per giver was 371 euros in the general population, an increase from 333 euros in 2022. Among high-income households, the average donation reached a record level of 2,686 euros, up from 2,372 euros in the previous year. This increase in donations may be attributed to the decrease in inflation rates in the latter part of 2023, which likely made people more willing to contribute.
The generosity displayed by French people in 2023 was in response to various emergencies, including earthquakes in Turkey, Syria, and Morocco, as well as the call for help from the Restos du cœur charity organization. The survey also revealed a growing awareness of increasing precarity, especially among young people, and recognition of the role that nonprofits play in addressing societal gaps that the government is unable to cover alone. This shift in attitude and action indicates a greater reliance on and support for the nonprofit sector.
While the official figures for 2023 from the France générosités union are yet to be released, the initial data from surveys and indicators suggest a more positive outcome than initially projected. Despite initial reservations about financial capabilities, French individuals across various demographics showed resilience and stepped up to support charitable causes. The changing landscape of philanthropy in response to economic challenges and societal needs indicates a potential shift towards greater solidarity and support for nonprofits in the country.