Reality TV star Angelina Pivarnick, known for her appearances on “Jersey Shore” and its spin-off, “Jersey Shore: Family Vacation,” was involved in a disruptive incident at a Christmas-themed nightclub in the North Pole. Pivarnick and her group reportedly ruined a stage show, harassed performers, and caused chaos, leading organizers to call the police. Pivarnick’s attorney denied her involvement in the ruckus, claiming she was unaware of any misconduct and spent the evening engaging with fans and taking photos.
The incident took place at the “Santa’s Secret” immersive attraction in Chelsea, where guests can enjoy a winter wonderland experience before entering a speakeasy with a bar and festive performances. Pivarnick and her group arrived at the venue intoxicated, according to sources. During a walk-through segment of the show, Pivarnick’s group allegedly mistreated castmember Katrina Kemp, who has dwarfism, by using derogatory language and physically assaulting her. Kemp felt dehumanized by their behavior and had to break character to address the situation.
Kemp accused Pivarnick and her companions of behaving like “zoo animals” and showing disrespect towards the performers and staff. Pivarnick reportedly asked show-goers and staff if they knew who she was and participated in disruptive activities, such as dancing on tables and interrupting a live band. Event organizers had to call security to deal with the unruly group, and the NYPD was eventually called to intervene. Pivarnick’s attorney dismissed the allegations as false and stated that video footage would provide evidence of her innocence.
According to sources, Pivarnick and her group refused to leave the venue when asked by security and only complied once uniformed police officers arrived. The NYPD confirmed receiving a 911 call related to a dispute at the venue but did not provide specific details regarding the incident. Pivarnick’s attorney reiterated her innocence, emphasizing that she had a positive experience at the event and did not engage in any inappropriate behavior. He suggested that legal action might be pursued to address the false allegations made against Pivarnick and that video evidence would support her defense.
The disruptive behavior exhibited by Pivarnick and her companions at the Christmas-themed nightclub in the North Pole caused distress to the performers and staff, including Kemp, who felt degraded by their actions. Pivarnick’s attorney maintained that she was not involved in any misconduct and spent the evening interacting with fans and taking photos. However, witnesses reported instances of table dancing, interruption of performances, and disrespectful behavior towards cast members. The incident led to police intervention, highlighting the severity of the disruption caused by Pivarnick’s group.
Despite claims of innocence, Pivarnick’s involvement in the disruptive incident at the Christmas-themed nightclub has raised questions about her behavior and respect for performers and staff. The incident, characterized by harassment, physical assault, and defiance towards security and police, reflects poorly on Pivarnick and her companions. While the legal implications of the incident remain to be determined, the repercussions of their actions have tarnished the reputation of the reality TV star and drawn attention to issues of accountability and responsibility in public settings.