The popular “Medicine Ball,” also known as the “Cold Buster,” originated as a secret menu item at Starbucks but became so popular that the chain officially added it to the menu as the Honey Citrus Mint Tea. The drink does not contain actual medicine, but it includes ingredients that have long been touted as natural cold remedies. The drink is made by steeping Jade Citrus Mint and Peach Tranquility tea bags in a mixture of hot water and steamed lemonade, sweetened with honey.
The Jade Citrus Mint tea includes lemon verbena, lemongrass, and spearmint, while the Peach Tranquility tea is a combination of peach, candied pineapple, chamomile, lemon verbena, and rose hips. The teas contain naturally occurring anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants to support the immune system, and the lemonade is rich in vitamin C. The honey not only sweetens the drink but also provides antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, anticancer, and antimetastatic effects, making it beneficial for cough suppression and throat coating.
The warmth of the Medicine Ball can help soothe a sore throat and loosen mucus in the chest. A standard 16-ounce cup contains approximately 130 calories. The green tea added to the drink contributes about 20 grams of caffeine, which is a small portion of the recommended 400 milligrams of caffeine per day for most adults. The comforting drink is a popular choice for those looking to boost their immune system and alleviate cold symptoms from the comfort of their homes.
If the Medicine Ball isn’t appealing, another viral option to consider is the “Immunity Cubes.” These cubes provide a convenient way to boost your immune system and help fight off colds. The combination of Jade Citrus Mint and Peach Tranquility herbal teas, along with steamed lemonade and honey, makes for a soothing and comforting drink that can help alleviate cold symptoms. Additionally, the ingredients in the drink offer natural properties that help support the immune system and provide relief from discomfort associated with colds.
Overall, the Medicine Ball is a popular choice for those looking to combat cold symptoms at home without having to visit Starbucks. The drink’s combination of green tea, herbal tea, lemonade, and honey provides a comforting and soothing effect, making it a go-to remedy for many. Whether you choose to make the Medicine Ball or try the Immunity Cubes, both options offer natural ingredients that can help boost your immune system and provide relief from cold symptoms. Next time you’re feeling under the weather, consider trying one of these options at home to help you feel better faster.