A convicted paedophile named Jacky Jhaj reportedly spent £10,000 on a bizarre fake funeral using the name of a Latvian student believed to have drowned in a river. The event took place at the London Oratory church in south Kensington, where an empty coffin with hired child actors as mourners was revealed. One mother of a child actor involved in the stunt revealed that Jhaj asked for photos of her 13-year-old son and promised payment for his participation, which they have yet to receive. She criticized a casting website for allowing Jhaj to deceive parents and endanger children, expressing concerns about the lack of safeguarding in the industry.
The fake funeral was stopped abruptly when the presiding priest realized that the funeral was being filmed, and the actors were not genuine mourners. The stunt was a part of a series of outrageous events involving Jhaj, who had previously staged a fake movie premiere in Leicester Square with hundreds of children. Jhaj was jailed in 2016 for sexually exploiting two 15-year-old girls by offering them rides and alcohol in his car and then grooming them at parties. The casting website, the London Oratory, and the Metropolitan Police have been contacted for further comments on Jhaj’s activities.
The mother of one of the child actors expressed worries about her son’s safety after the incident, questioning the motives behind Jhaj’s actions and the lack of protection for children in the industry. The strange choice of using a deceased student’s name for the fake funeral added another disturbing layer to the stunt. Jhaj’s previous criminal activities and unethical behavior raise concerns about the exploitation and manipulation of children for his perverse stunts. It is essential to address these issues and ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals in the entertainment industry.
The mother revealed that Jhaj had contacted her through a popular online casting platform and requested her son’s participation in the fake funeral. Despite being promised payment for the job, they have not received any compensation, leaving them unsettled and anxious about the experience. The casting website’s removal of her son’s profile after she raised concerns highlights the lack of accountability and oversight in the industry, allowing individuals like Jhaj to exploit vulnerable children for their twisted schemes.
The fake funeral was a deplorable example of Jhaj’s disturbing behavior and his disregard for the well-being of children involved in his stunts. The mother’s decision to speak out about the incident and raise awareness of the dangers in the entertainment industry is crucial in protecting young actors from exploitation and harm. The involvement of child actors in such troubling events highlights the urgent need for improved safeguarding measures and stricter regulations to prevent individuals like Jhaj from preying on vulnerable individuals. The authorities and casting platforms must take decisive action to ensure the safety and protection of children in the entertainment industry.