Christina Applegate, known for her role in the show “Dead to Me,” recently revealed the intense leg pain she experienced during a multiple sclerosis (MS) relapse. In an episode of her podcast with Jamie-Lynn Sigler called “MeSsy,” which was recorded months ago, she shared that she was unable to walk or shower due to the pain and lack of energy in her legs. The actress described feeling like she couldn’t stand without falling and experiencing tingling sensations from her butt down.
During this relapse, Applegate expressed frustration at not being able to take a shower for three weeks because she couldn’t stand in her shower. She mentioned jokingly that she should buy stock in Cottonelle flushable wipes to keep clean. Applegate even had her daughter, Sadie, sniff her armpits to humorously disgust her. The actress highlighted the difficult physical challenges she faced as a result of her MS symptoms.
In addition to the leg pain, Applegate also discussed the impact of her MS symptoms on her ability to sleep and her eyes. She shared that her eye was shifting every time she tried to close it to sleep, causing her to stay awake for 24 hours. Applegate expressed concern about not hearing back from her doctor regarding her symptoms, indicating the anxiety and uncertainty she faced during this time.
Despite the challenges she faced, a representative for Applegate clarified that the podcast episode discussing her MS relapse was recorded months ago and that she had moved past the relapse phase. It remains unclear whether the podcast episode was recorded before or after she was seen using a cane at the 2024 Emmys in January. Applegate has been candid about her struggles with MS since revealing her diagnosis, describing it as one of the worst things in her life.
Applegate shared in a podcast with Dax Shepard that she has 30 lesions on her brain, with the largest one behind her right eye causing significant pain. She also mentioned experiencing seizure-like feelings in her brain and unusual sensations in her hand. Earlier that month, she opened up about wearing diapers due to the challenges of dealing with MS, including issues with bladder control. Despite the difficulties she faces, Applegate continues to speak openly about her journey with MS and raise awareness about the disease.