A recent report discussing concerns about incoming provincial housing mandates in the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) has been withdrawn from the agenda. The report highlighted that recent changes to provincial legislation required residential lots in the RDCO electoral areas to permit secondary suites and/or accessory dwelling units. This could potentially double the residential density in the electoral areas, with a 166 percent increase in the number of residential units. The report also mentioned ongoing work related to the McDougall Creek wildfire and suggested delaying implementation for 18 months to allow housing at the prescribed density.
However, district staff have decided not to pursue an extension from the Ministry of Housing for Bill 44. The statement from the regional district mentioned that the staff now support the province’s mandate to prioritize housing affordability and availability while balancing public health, safety, and environmental concerns specific to rural areas. The staff have secured the resources needed to work towards the legislative requirements of Bill 44 and will be working over the next few months to implement the necessary bylaw amendments and associated analysis to align with the legislation.
One of the concerns related to increasing density is that it may cause drainage and slope stability challenges, especially in areas without access to community sewer and proper drainage plans. The original report mentioned that without robust policies and regulations, additional density may increase risks to public health, safety, or the environment. Local governments are required to adopt bylaw amendments by June 30 to allow housing at the prescribed density, and the RDCO staff will be working to address these concerns and mitigate any potential risks.
The decision to withdraw the report and not pursue an extension from the Ministry of Housing indicates that the staff have reevaluated the situation and believe they have the resources necessary to comply with the provincial legislation. By aligning with Bill 44 and implementing the required bylaw amendments, the RDCO aims to support the province’s goals of housing affordability and availability while addressing concerns specific to rural areas. The staff will focus on analyzing and addressing potential challenges related to increased density, such as drainage and slope stability issues, in order to ensure public health and safety in the electoral areas.
Overall, the regional district is committed to working towards the legislative requirements of Bill 44 while mitigating any growth concerns that may arise from the increased residential density. By securing the necessary resources and realigning their priorities, the RDCO staff are confident that they can meet the deadline for adopting the required bylaw amendments and ensure that housing in the electoral areas meets the prescribed density. Moving forward, the staff will continue to collaborate with the Ministry of Housing and other stakeholders to address any additional challenges that may arise in implementing the provincial housing mandates in the region.