Uncover science timelines, detailing groundbreaking discoveries, technological advancements, and pivotal moments that have transformed our understanding of the natural world and beyond
In her role as the editor in chief of Science News, Nancy Shute delves into the challenging and multifaceted issue…
The Extreme Climate Survey by Science News is collecting reader questions regarding extreme heat and its implications on weather events…
The plastics industry in the United States produces over 29 billion pounds of plastic each year, with an estimated 2.5…
The ability of bumblebees to smell flowers is essential for their survival as it leads them to their food sources.…
Menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, are a common occurrence for many women during the transition to menopause due to…
Megan Hodge experienced a severe flare-up of chronic back pain that left her feeling hopeless and frozen in her pain…
Scientists are currently collecting reader questions regarding climate change and extreme weather events. Atomic clocks measure time based on electrons…
The cosmology community has been divided over the Hubble tension, which refers to the conflicting measurements of the universe’s expansion…
David Johnson studies the effect of climate change on marine invertebrates and coastal ecosystems in the Great Marsh. This area…
Narayanan and Kapoor have written a book called AI Snake Oil that highlights various issues with artificial intelligence (AI) tools,…
Pegasus volans, a fish species known from two fossils found in northern Italy that date back 50 million years, has…
Researchers were shocked to discover that a gigantic porbeagle shark had been devoured by an even larger great white shark,…