Candiace Dillard Bassett, a former star of The Real Housewives of Potomac, recently announced that she and her husband Chris Bassett are expecting their first child together. Candiace, who documented her fertility journey on the show, revealed that she is currently 13 weeks pregnant. This will be her first child, while Chris has three children from previous relationships. The couple decided to use an embryo they had frozen a couple of years ago, and Candiace expressed her excitement and gratitude for the process.
The couple made the decision to proceed with the pregnancy together after finding out the embryo had been successfully implanted in January. Candiace spoke about the anxiety she felt before deciding to have a child and how she ultimately trusted the process and her doctors. She also revealed that she did two rounds of egg retrieval and had to endure daily shots in her stomach and buttocks. Despite the challenges, Candiace expressed how grateful she was for the opportunity to have a child and experience the pregnancy.
While Candiace is currently focused on her pregnancy, she also mentioned that they have another embryo in the freezer. She admitted that the idea of having another child is tempting, but she wants to take things one step at a time. She mentioned the possibility of exploring surrogacy for a second child and is open to different options for expanding their family. As she enters her second trimester, Candiace reflected on how blessed she has been to have a relatively smooth pregnancy without major symptoms.
The pregnancy news comes shortly after Candiace announced that she would not be returning to The Real Housewives of Potomac for the upcoming season. She shared that she wanted to take a break from the show to focus on new opportunities and responsibilities that had come her way. With the exciting news of her pregnancy, it seems that Candiace is embarking on a new chapter in her life and is looking forward to the journey of motherhood. As she navigates this new phase, she is considering different options for expanding her family and is grateful for the support she has from her loved ones.