Billionaire Pavel Durov, the founder of the popular messenger app Telegram, has made headlines for offering to cover the cost of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment for healthy women under the age of 38 who are interested in using his sperm to have a baby at a fertility clinic in Moscow. The Altra Vita IVF clinic, which claims exclusive rights to store and use his biomaterial, described the offer as a generous contribution to society from one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time. This is not the first time that Durov has been involved in reproductive matters, as he has previously claimed to have more than 100 biological children in 12 countries through sperm bank donations he has made over the past 15 years.
Durov’s decision to openly discuss his involvement in sperm donation and IVF comes as part of his larger goal to destigmatize the idea of sperm donation and encourage more healthy men to participate in the process. He has also expressed a desire to open-source his DNA to facilitate easier connections among his biological children. Durov, who has five children with two ex-girlfriends, sees his efforts in this area as a way to support couples struggling with fertility issues and promote wider acceptance and understanding of reproductive technologies.
However, Durov’s philanthropic gesture towards IVF comes at a time when he is facing legal troubles. In August, he was arrested in France and is currently under investigation for enabling criminal activity on Telegram, including allegations of drug trafficking, fraud, and the distribution of child pornography. These charges have prevented Durov from leaving the country while authorities continue their inquiries into his role in these activities. Despite these challenges, Durov remains committed to his work with Telegram and his efforts to improve the platform’s content moderation practices.
Durov’s journey from his home country of Russia, where he faced censorship and persecution for his commitment to user privacy, to his current status as a French citizen and tech entrepreneur reflects his ongoing commitment to advancing technology and innovation. His success with Telegram, which boasts over 950 million users worldwide, has solidified his reputation as a leading figure in the tech industry. As he navigates the complexities of his legal situation and continues to engage with issues of reproductive health and fertility, Durov’s actions and decisions will undoubtedly continue to shape the conversation around privacy, technology, and personal responsibility.
In a larger context, Durov’s openness about his involvement in sperm donation and IVF reflects a broader trend among high-profile individuals who are willing to discuss their reproductive choices and experiences publicly. From Dutch crypto investor Jonathan Meijer, who was ordered to stop donating sperm after fathering over 550 children, to Elon Musk, who has 10 children with three different women, these examples highlight the diversity of approaches to family planning among the wealthy and influential. As debates around reproductive technologies and fertility rights continue to evolve, figures like Durov and others are likely to play a significant role in shaping public perceptions and policy discussions in this important area.