Becky Hill, the 30-year-old singer, stunned in a plunging silver dress in stunning social media snaps she shared on Wednesday. The dress highlighted her ample cleavage and flashed plenty of side boob as she posed in a picturesque seaside location. The behind-the-scenes look was for filming her new music video which is set to go with her new single Outside of Love, slated for release at 5pm on Thursday. Hill worked her angles for the camera, showing off her long honey tresses as she wowed in the images. This follows the announcement that Becky Hill, along with Chase & Status and Rudimental, will be headliners at Radio 1’s Big Weekend 2024.
The lineup for Radio 1’s Big Weekend includes hot names like Becky Hill, Chase & Status, and Rudimental, kicking off the festival on Friday, 24th May at Stockwood Park in Luton. Over 100,000 music fans are expected to attend, with performers spread across multiple stages like Radio 1’s Future Sounds, Radio 1 Dance, and BBC Introducing. Tickets for the event go on sale at 5pm on Thursday, costing £29.50 with a booking fee of £4.50 per ticket. The festival will feature a mix of UK and international artists and is known for selling out within minutes every year due to its popularity.
The booking process for Radio 1’s Big Weekend will be handled by Ticketmaster, the official ticketing agent for the event. The festival, which kicks off the UK’s festival season, brings big names to cities like Luton, shining a light on the local area and boosting the local economy. This year, the BBC is working closely with Luton Council to ensure a safe and secure environment for all attendees. BBC Radio 1 will broadcast live from the festival site, with performances and tracks available live and on demand through Radio 1’s iPlayer channel and BBC Sounds.
40% of tickets for Radio 1’s Big Weekend will be reserved for those living in Luton, 30% for those in surrounding areas, and the remaining 30% for the rest of the UK. Preference will be given to local residents, and geographic weighting will be used to ensure fair distribution. The event is highly anticipated every year, with millions tuning in across the BBC to catch the performances. Luton Council’s leader, Cllr Hazel Simmons MBE, expressed excitement over the event coming to the town, highlighting the economic boost and opportunities it will provide for local young people and businesses. The festival is seen as a chance to showcase the best of Luton and its vibrant cultural scene.