Aubrey Plaza had been scheduled to present at the 2025 Golden Globes on Sunday, but her plans were disrupted when her husband, filmmaker Jeff Baena, unexpectedly passed away at the age of 47 on Friday. Plaza, known for her role in “Parks and Recreation,” was among the many presenters announced for the event. It remains unclear whether she will attend the live show from Los Angeles’ Beverly Hilton Hotel.
Baena’s death was reported to be a result of him taking his own life, according to TMZ. He was found unresponsive in his Los Angeles home by an assistant, and police declared him dead at the scene after responding to a call on Friday morning. The official cause of death has not been publicly disclosed. Plaza, 40, has not yet made a public statement regarding her husband’s passing, although her representative confirmed the family is “devastated” in a statement to Deadline.
Plaza and Baena had been in a relationship since 2010 and revealed they had secretly gotten married in 2020 during the pandemic. The actress shared this news on Instagram in 2021, mentioning that it was her husband’s idea to tie the knot, even though it was first suggested as a joke. The post announcing their marriage appears to be the only public mention of their relationship on Plaza’s Instagram account, where she referred to Baena as her “darling husband.”
While Plaza and Baena did not have children together, she mentioned in an interview that she had considered becoming pregnant during the pandemic lockdown. In a separate interview in 2022, Plaza compared her real-life marriage to that of her character in “White Lotus,” noting that relationships have their ups and downs. She reflected on being with her husband for 12 years and the challenges that come with comparing one’s relationship to seemingly perfect couples.
In light of Baena’s passing and the sensitive topic of suicide, a note was included at the end of the article providing information for seeking help. For anyone affected by the issues discussed in the story, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline was recommended as a resource for support. Plaza’s potential attendance at the Golden Globes remained uncertain in the wake of her husband’s tragic death, leaving fans and attendees waiting for further updates on her participation in the event.