The interview with Archbishop of Washington, Wilton Cardinal Gregory and Episcopal Bishop of Washington, the Ret. Reverend Mariann Budde took place on March 31, 2024. The discussion began with how they counsel their parishioners through difficult times by emphasizing the importance of faith, hope, and love, especially in the face of adversity. Both leaders highlighted the fundamental goodness of God’s creation and the transformative power of the Easter message in overcoming darkness.
The conversation also touched on the spiritual impact of the pandemic over the past four years, noting an increase in church attendance in the Catholic Archdiocese. Concerns were raised about the mental health challenges and societal divisions that have arisen, particularly among young people. The importance of engaging with and supporting young individuals was emphasized, along with the need for ecumenical and interfaith dialogue to promote unity and understanding.
The discussion then turned towards the intersection of religion and politics, with concerns raised about the distortion of Christianity in the public arena. Both leaders expressed the importance of faith serving the common good in a democracy, and the need for consistent moral principles to guide public leaders. The role of faith leaders in promoting peace, goodwill, and solidarity across different religious communities was also highlighted as a crucial aspect of their work.
The conversation also addressed the relationship between faith and public leadership, particularly in the context of the current President’s adherence to Catholicism. While his regular church attendance was acknowledged, concerns were raised about the selective application of certain religious teachings for political gain. Overall, the importance of maintaining authenticity and integrity in one’s faith while respecting the diverse beliefs of others was emphasized throughout the discussion.
In their closing remarks, both leaders shared insights into their Easter Sunday sermons, focusing on themes of faith, resurrection, and overcoming obstacles. Despite the challenges and uncertainties of the world, the message of hope and renewal was at the forefront of their spiritual guidance. The interview concluded with warm wishes for a Happy Easter and a call for continued dialogue and engagement on matters of faith and social justice.