Anya Taylor-Joy shared never-before-seen photos from her secret 2022 wedding with husband Malcolm McRae on their second anniversary. The couple got married on April Fools’ Day in New Orleans, with the actress expressing her love for McRae in her caption. The photos and videos posted by Taylor-Joy included shots of her in a Dior wedding dress, surrounded by friends, and enjoying anatomically correct heart cakes with McRae. The couple also had a second wedding ceremony in Venice, Italy, in October 2023, at the historic Palazzo Pisani Moretta.
Taylor-Joy’s Dior wedding dress was beautifully embroidered with their love story, as shown in the photos and video she shared on Instagram. The venue in New Orleans was filled with candles, creating a magical atmosphere for the special day. The couple also indulged in two anatomically correct heart cakes, with Taylor-Joy playfully referencing herself as the vampire Lestat from a popular book series set in New Orleans. The couple’s second wedding in Venice, Italy, was a lavish event held at a historic 15th century palace on the Grand Canal, with a star-studded guest list including Julia Garner, Nicolas Hoult, and Cara Delevingne.
The couple met at a premiere for “Queen’s Gambit” in March 2021, and McRae was so captivated by Taylor-Joy that he penned a song for her just two days after meeting. They started dating shortly after, keeping their relationship mostly private from the public eye. Taylor-Joy described McRae as her hobby and someone who she can happily sit in silence reading with, likening their relationship to an elderly couple and a child simultaneously. The couple’s love story was shared in a 2022 interview Taylor-Joy did with British Vogue, where she expressed her happiness and contentment in her relationship with McRae.
McRae, the frontman of the rock band More, also posted photos and a video from the couple’s wedding day, expressing his endless love for Taylor-Joy. The couple’s relationship blossomed quickly after meeting at the “Queen’s Gambit” premiere, with McRae writing a song for Taylor-Joy shortly after. The two had a second wedding ceremony in Venice, Italy, surrounded by celebrity guests and a lavish setting at a historic palace. Despite their public appearances, Taylor-Joy and McRae kept their relationship mostly private until they shared their love story in interviews and on social media.
Their love story has been one of romance and celebration, with the couple marking their special occasions such as anniversaries with heartfelt messages and never-before-seen glimpses into their private lives. Taylor-Joy shared the photos and videos from their New Orleans wedding on Instagram, giving fans a peek into the magical day they had shared. The couple’s love story was further celebrated through McRae’s song dedicated to Taylor-Joy and their elaborate second wedding in Venice. Their relationship continues to blossom, with the couple sharing their joy and love for each other with their fans and followers on social media.