Actress Angie Harmon made a heartbreaking post on social media accusing an Instacart delivery driver of fatally shooting her family’s dog, Oliver, over Easter weekend. Harmon claimed that the driver shot the dog after delivering their food and knowing that he was not being recorded by their Ring camera inside the house. The actress was devastated by the loss of their beloved pet and was traumatized by the incident. The delivery driver alleged that the shooting was in self-defense, but Harmon disputed this claim by stating that the driver did not have any physical evidence of an attack on him.
Following the incident, Instacart suspended the delivery driver’s profile and is collaborating with law enforcement to investigate the matter further. The company stated that they have a zero-tolerance policy for violence and were deeply saddened and disturbed by the incident. Instacart assured that they have been in contact with the customer, Harmon, and are cooperating with authorities to ensure a thorough investigation is conducted. Harmon’s representative did not immediately respond to queries about the incident.
Authorities from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department investigated the incident on March 30 and did not file any charges against the delivery driver. Upon arriving at the scene, officers spoke with all involved parties and determined that the driver had shot Oliver in self-defense after being attacked by the dog. No other physical evidence or injuries were reported from the incident. CMPD’s Animal Care and Control unit also responded to the scene to address the situation and ensure the safety of the animals involved.
Harmon’s celebrity friends offered their support and expressed shock and disbelief over the incident. Paulina Porizkova and Allison Janney reacted strongly to the news, expressing horror and disbelief at what had happened. Harmon’s followers and fans encouraged her to take a stand against the driver and law enforcement, urging her to use her platform to seek justice for Oliver. The incident has sparked outrage and calls for accountability, with many expressing concern over the driver’s actions and the response from law enforcement in the case.
The tragic loss of their pet has left Harmon and her family devastated, with the actress sharing her grief and disbelief on social media. The emotional impact of the incident has resonated with many who have offered their support and sympathy to Harmon during this difficult time. The calls for justice and accountability in this case highlight the importance of taking action against acts of violence and ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals, including pets. Harmon’s decision to share her story publicly has brought attention to the incident and sparked a conversation about the need for awareness and action in similar situations.
Instacart’s response to the incident reflects their commitment to addressing acts of violence and ensuring the safety of their customers and delivery drivers. By suspending the driver’s profile and cooperating with law enforcement, the company is taking steps to investigate the matter thoroughly. Harmon’s decision to share her story and seek justice for Oliver has prompted a broader discussion about accountability and the need to address acts of violence in all forms. Through raising awareness and calling for action, individuals like Harmon can make a difference in advocating for justice and ensuring the well-being of all beings.