The limited series Ripley is gaining attention for its intriguing adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s novel The Talented Mr. Ripley. The series, directed by Steven Zaillian and featuring stunning cinematography by Robert Elswit, follows the chilling character of Tom Ripley, played by Andrew Scott. Alongside him are Johnny Flynn as Dickie Greenleaf and Dakota Fanning as Marge Sherwood, whose lives are intertwined in a complex and suspenseful manner. The show, shot entirely in black and white, captures a film noir feel with a modern twist, creating a haunting and unsettling atmosphere.
Despite the quality and uniqueness of Ripley, some critics have not been completely won over. While Scott’s performance is praised by some for capturing Ripley’s cold and calculating nature, others criticize the casting choices and the pacing of the show. Some reviewers believe that the series lacks the depth and intrigue of Highsmith’s work, feeling that it falls short of capturing the essence of the characters and their motivations. Comparisons are also made to the 1999 film adaptation starring Matt Damon, with some critics considering it superior to the current series.
Despite mixed reviews, Ripley is commended for its breathtaking cinematography and compelling storytelling. The slow-burn nature of the show requires patience and concentration from viewers to fully appreciate the nuances of the characters and plot. While some critics may not be fully onboard with Ripley, others find it to be a captivating and suspenseful series that sets itself apart from other crime dramas on television. Whether you enjoy Ripley or not, it offers a unique viewing experience that highlights the talents of the cast and crew involved in bringing Patricia Highsmith’s iconic character to life.