The “Villa Souzanna” in Anglet, France, became the target of anti-Putin graffiti following the start of the invasion of Ukraine on February 26, 2022. This incident is part of ongoing legal proceedings in France against individuals close to the Russian government. The French judicial system has recently seized two new properties, though not the most luxurious ones attached to Putin’s inner circle, the symbolism remains significant as it is linked directly to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
One of the seized properties is the Villa Souzanna in Anglet, which was defaced with anti-Putin graffiti two days after the invasion of Ukraine began. The messages included “Fuck Putin”, “Glory to Ukraine!” in Ukrainian, and “Putin’s mafia”. The villa, officially owned by a real estate company controlled by Artur Ocheretny, is often portrayed in the media as belonging to Lioudmila Otcheretnaïa, Putin’s former wife from 1983 to 2013. Ocheretny, who is twenty years younger than his former wife, acquired the Basque property in 2013 for 5.4 million euros, with an additional 3.5 million euros spent on renovations.
The acquisition of the Villa Souzanna by Ocheretny has raised questions about how he was able to afford such an expensive property. The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) investigated Ocheretny in 2017, calling him a “manager” in a French business registry document. The property was placed under judicial control in December 2023, in connection with a preliminary investigation into aggravated money laundering. The investigation was initiated following a complaint from the NGO Transparency International.
The ongoing investigation into the Villa Souzanna is being conducted by the National Jurisdiction for the Fight against Organized Crime (Junalco) and the Central Office for the Repression of Major Financial Crime. During the course of the investigation, numerous irregularities were uncovered during searches of the villa and the headquarters of the real estate company. The investigation revolves around the source of the 9 million euros used for the property purchase and renovations, with authorities unable to trace the origin of these funds. The money is believed to have come from Russian bank accounts, and the amount far exceeds Ocheretny’s known resources.
The legal proceedings surrounding the Villa Souzanna highlight the ongoing efforts in France to address illicit financial activities linked to the Russian government. The investigation into Ocheretny and the property serves as a symbolic representation of the scrutiny faced by individuals within Putin’s inner circle. The case continues to unfold as authorities work to uncover the truth behind the ownership and financing of the luxurious property in Anglet.