Former President Donald Trump has been relatively out of the public eye, spending most of his time in South Florida as President Joe Biden embarked on a multicity tour. Trump has only held one public campaign event since locking up the Republican presidential nomination and faces financial challenges and legal issues. In contrast, Biden has been actively campaigning, visiting all of the swing states for the 2024 election. Both sides are projecting confidence and accusing each other of trying to hide their candidate’s problems.
Trump’s campaign is focusing on wooing potential donors and building its infrastructure across battleground states to catch up to Democrats, who have a significant head start in terms of funds. Biden, on the other hand, is using his campaign trips to combat concerns about his age and highlight his policy achievements. His campaign is trying to shift the focus from voter frustrations over issues like high grocery costs and border security to his accomplishments in office.
Although Trump’s public calendar has been empty, he has been busy fundraising, hosting events, and meeting with aides. He faces significant legal challenges, including a deadline to pay fines and interest, as well as ongoing criminal indictments. Trump’s fundraising efforts have not been as successful as Biden’s, and his campaign is facing financial limitations. Despite the lack of public events, Trump is still able to dominate news cycles with inflammatory statements and interviews with friendly broadcasters.
Biden’s campaign has been focusing on smaller, more intimate events that resonate with his target voters online. By joining families for meals, visiting small businesses, and meeting supporters in backyards, Biden’s team aims to create social media moments that reach a wider audience. The campaign questions the value of expensive rallies this far from Election Day and is using a more targeted approach to engage with voters. Biden has also raised significant funds for his campaign through joint events with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
Both campaigns are utilizing different strategies as they gear up for the 2024 election. While Trump focuses on fundraising and limiting public appearances, Biden is actively campaigning and highlighting his accomplishments in office. The contrasting approaches reflect the challenges and priorities of each candidate, with Trump facing legal issues and financial constraints, while Biden works to connect with voters and address concerns about his age and policies. The upcoming election will be a test for both candidates, who are working to secure support and funding for their campaigns.