Selena Gomez celebrated the launch of her brand Rare Beauty’s soft pinch luminous powder blush in New York, wearing an all pink ensemble and posing with the latest product. The brand previously only carried liquid blush, but the new power blush comes in six shades, and attendees at the event got to preview and test the product. Gomez has been promoting the new blush on social media platforms like TikTok, showcasing her excitement for fans to try it. She founded Rare Beauty in 2019 and the brand has been successful, selling $70 million in just blush sales last year and projected to triple sales this year.
Rare Beauty is known for its moderately priced, high-quality products and Gomez has been able to tap into social media trends to boost exposure for her brand. She has also included a social cause at the core of Rare Beauty, pledging to raise $100 million for mental health advocacy. Gomez has been open about her own struggles with mental health and hopes to inspire others to feel empowered and accepted. Rare Beauty products are exclusively sold at Sephora, featuring popular items like the Liquid Touch Brightening Concealer, Lip Soufflé Matte Lip Cream, Dewy Lip Balm, and Liquid Luminizer Highlight.
Guests at the event included influencers and members of the Rare Beauty team, all dressed in pink to support Gomez’s brand. The brand has expanded to three dozen countries since launching and continues to introduce new products, such as gel eyeliner. Rare Beauty has become a top seller, with the liquid blush being a fan-favorite. Gomez’s success with Rare Beauty comes as other celebrity makeup brands have struggled to maintain popularity. With a focus on inclusivity, quality, and mental health advocacy, Rare Beauty stands out in the competitive beauty industry.
In speaking with the crowd at the event, Selena Gomez expressed her gratitude and excitement for the launch of the new soft pinch luminous powder blush. The Chief Product Officer of Rare Beauty, Joyce Kim, praised Gomez for her genuine approach to the brand and dedication to creating products that reflect her values. The brand’s success is attributed to Gomez’s passion for makeup and her ability to connect with consumers on a personal level. As Rare Beauty continues to grow and expand its product line, Gomez remains committed to promoting a message of self-acceptance and mental health awareness.
Overall, Selena Gomez’s Rare Beauty brand has experienced significant success since its launch, with the latest addition of the soft pinch luminous powder blush drawing attention at the celebratory event in New York. With a focus on inclusivity, quality products, and mental health advocacy, Rare Beauty has become a standout brand in the beauty industry. Selena Gomez’s personal connection to the brand and her dedication to promoting a positive message have resonated with consumers, leading to continued growth and expansion for Rare Beauty worldwide.