A scammer used WhatsApp messages from personas named “Abi” and “Charlie,” using attractive pictures to lure victims, including MPs, political staffers, and journalists, into sending explicit photos. The scam targeted individuals working in Westminster over almost a year, with at least 13 confirmed cases. Some MPs responded with compromising images, leading to blackmail and manipulation. The scammer, who remains unidentified, had insider knowledge of Westminster to make the conversations seem authentic.
One Tory MP, Luke Evans, reported the malicious communications to the police, while another, William Wragg, admitted to falling into the scam and sending compromising photos. The scam involved the scammer later blackmailing victims for phone numbers of more Westminster figures. The scammer used authentic details to convince victims and seemed to have accessed these details from within Westminster. Scotland Yard and Leicestershire Police are investigating the case to ensure the safety of all MPs and their staff who could be potential victims of similar scams.
Despite the scammer being successful in targeting high-profile individuals, some of the 13 confirmed targets did not know each other, indicating a wider reach of the scam. New reports revealed that political journalist Harry Yorke was also targeted by the scam, with the scammer posing as a woman named “Charlie.” He received a flirtatious message and a photo but did not open it. While some victims reported the scam, others may have fallen prey without realizing it, highlighting the need for increased awareness and vigilance among individuals working in Westminster.
The Metropolitan Police and Parliamentary Security are working together to investigate the scam and prevent further incidents. The police are urging anyone who has been targeted or suspects they may have been a victim to come forward and report the scam to authorities. Despite the seriousness of the situation, supportive statements from senior Tories and MPs aim to reassure victims and encourage them to speak up about their experiences. The investigation into the scam highlights the risks associated with online communications and the importance of being cautious when interacting with unknown individuals on digital platforms. It is essential to stay informed and alert to protect oneself from falling victim to similar scams in the future.