A photo agency added a warning to footage of Kate Middleton revealing her cancer diagnosis, stating it may not adhere to editorial policy. This comes after the palace, which provided the footage, was deemed untrustworthy by major agencies following an edited photo release on UK Mother’s Day. Middleton, 42, released a video in which she shared she was undergoing preventative chemotherapy and needed time to rest and recover. Sources revealed that Middleton personally wrote and delivered the video, waiting until her children fully understood her condition before sharing the news.
The Daily Mail reported that Kensington Palace rushed to release Middleton’s video after her diagnosis was leaked. It was not specified whether the leak came from the London Clinic where Middleton underwent abdominal surgery in January or elsewhere. Despite skipping Easter services to spend time at their vacation home, Sandringham Estate, with their children, Middleton and Prince William put on a brave face amid the rumors. This comes as King Charles III faced his own cancer battle but made a public appearance at church despite his health struggles.
The insider source added that Middleton’s emotional video was a personal decision to share her diagnosis with the world. She thanked her husband for being a huge support during her recovery and treatment. Kensington Palace had been accused of not being a trusted source by major agencies after the palace shared an edited photo of Middleton and her children on UK Mother’s Day. The footage of Middleton disclosing her cancer diagnosis came after months of speculation about her health and well-being.
The handout clip of Middleton’s cancer diagnosis, provided by a third-party organization, was accompanied by a warning from Getty Images about its editorial policy. The note was added by the agency as a standard practice for outside sources, in this case, Kensington Palace. Middleton’s speech was filmed by the BBC from Windsor Castle’s gardens and she insisted on delivering it personally, writing every word herself. The emotional revelation was shared with the public after careful consideration by Middleton and her family.
Middleton and William spent Easter weekend at their vacation home, Sandringham Estate, with their children, instead of attending services with the rest of the royal family. While facing rumors of a leak regarding her diagnosis, Middleton and William managed to maintain a sense of normalcy by spending time with their family. The release of Middleton’s video detailing her cancer fight and recovery shed light on the struggles she has faced in recent months. Despite the leaks and speculation surrounding her diagnosis, Middleton remained strong and focused on her recovery with the support of her family, particularly her husband, Prince William.