The popular mecha anime Bang Bravern has recently come to an end, leaving fans satisfied with its exciting conclusion. Drawing comparisons to Detonator Orgun, the series featured unexpected twists and turns, including time travel and revelations about the main characters.
In a surprising plot development, it was revealed that Smith was actually Bravern, sent back in time to save Isami and humanity. This revelation was followed by Lulu traveling back from the future to assist in the battle against the Deathdrive mecha, resulting in a thrilling climax with golden mecha and intense action scenes.
Although some viewers felt that the series could have benefited from a longer runtime to fully develop the story, Bang Bravern successfully merged real robot and super robot elements while paying homage to classic mecha anime like the Braves saga. The show’s humor also resonated with fans of the genre, adding an additional layer of enjoyment to the viewing experience.
Looking ahead, a Blu-ray release is planned for Bang Bravern, but many fans are hopeful for a potential continuation of the series to explore unanswered questions about the alien invasion storyline. Despite its conclusion, the show left a lasting impact on viewers and is available for streaming on Crunchyroll.
Overall, Bang Bravern’s conclusion was met with positive reception from fans and critics alike, as it delivered an action-packed and entertaining finale. The series managed to blend different genre elements effectively and provided a satisfying conclusion that stayed true to its super robot roots. The show’s ability to balance humor and intense action scenes contributed to its overall appeal.