Tom Cruise was recently seen enjoying some downtime with his billionaire friends as they landed at Battersea in his helicopter. The actor was spotted with INEOS’ David Horrocks and the conglomerate’s chief financial officer, John Reece. The trio appeared in good spirits as they landed at the helipad in west London. Tom had been in the UK filming scenes for the eighth Mission Impossible film, set to be released in May. Reece, who has a net worth of £4.2 billion, recently joined the board of directors at Manchester United in February after a partial takeover of the club by Sir Jim Ratcliffe.
Reece’s presence on the board ensures that INEOS is represented in major decisions regarding the football club. Tom Cruise has been busy filming for Mission Impossible 8 at various locations in the UK, including Longcross Studios, Derbyshire, Surrey, and central London landmarks. Production of the eighth film has faced delays due to promotional activities for Part One, the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strikes, and technical issues. Originally meant to be filmed alongside Part One, Mission Impossible 8 is now set to be released on May 23, 2025. The film will feature returning cast members such as Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Hayley Atwell, Pom Klementieff, and Vanessa Kirby.
David Horrocks, who is also on the board at INEOS, was seen heading to the car with Tom Cruise after their helicopter landed. The filming of scenes for Mission Impossible 8 has taken place at various locations in the UK, including London landmarks like Downing Street, the Natural History Museum, and Westminster Bridge. The presence of Tom Cruise and his billionaire friends at Battersea showcases a moment of relaxation amidst the intense filming schedule for the next installment of the action-packed franchise. The delays and challenges faced during production highlight the complexities involved in creating a blockbuster film that meets the expectations of fans.
Despite the setbacks, Mission Impossible 8 is poised to be an exciting addition to the popular franchise, with familiar faces returning to entertain audiences around the globe. Tom Cruise’s dedication to performing daring stunts and delivering captivating performances continues to be a key attraction for fans of the Mission Impossible series. The presence of wealthy individuals like John Reece and David Horrocks in his social circle adds another layer of intrigue to Cruise’s public persona. As filming wraps up and the release date approaches, anticipation for Mission Impossible 8 is steadily building, promising an action-packed cinematic experience for viewers eager to see the next chapter in Ethan Hunt’s adventures.