Following the suspension of Elon Musk’s X platform in Brazil, social media users, including former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., have been misrepresenting a years-old video of Vice President Kamala Harris. They falsely claim that Harris threatened to censor both X and Musk. The claim is based on a video clip from 2019 where Harris discussed removing then-President Donald Trump from Twitter, not Musk’s X platform. Kennedy used this clip to suggest that Harris was targeting Musk and advocating for censorship of social media platforms.
Kennedy’s post alleging that Harris threatened to shut down X if she wins the presidential election gained popularity on social media, with approximately 200,300 likes and shares. Other posts with similar misinformation received around 105,000 likes and shares. The video clip was taken out of context, as Harris was responding to questions about Trump’s Twitter account and the need for increased accountability for social media platforms in general. Harris did not specifically target Musk or call for the entire X platform to be shut down.
In the extended footage of the interview, Harris explained her concerns about Trump’s behavior on Twitter, stating that his actions can impact people’s perceptions and that he had “lost his privileges” to remain on the platform. She emphasized the importance of holding social media companies accountable and applying consistent rules across different platforms. Harris did not advocate for censorship but called for responsible behavior from social media sites in terms of regulating content and ensuring public safety.
The Harris campaign did not comment on the false claims surrounding the video, and representatives for Trump and Kennedy did not respond to inquiries. In Brazil, the X platform was suspended by Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes for failing to comply with local legal requirements. The platform will remain suspended until it meets the court’s conditions, including naming a local legal representative and paying fines. The misinformation surrounding Harris’ comments and the suspension of X highlight the challenges of navigating social media and the spread of false information.
Overall, the misinterpretation of Harris’ statements and the suspension of X in Brazil underscore the importance of fact-checking and verifying information before sharing it on social media. Misleading claims can have far-reaching consequences, and it is essential to understand the context of statements made by public figures. As the 2024 election approaches, the spread of misinformation and its impact on political discourse should be closely monitored to ensure accurate and informed discussions among the public.